Junior Fiction
Age range
7-11 years
Publication Date
October 2021
Book Author Steph Matuku
Rights Available World excl. NZ
Whetū is about to start school, and no one is happy. Not the chicken. Not the bull. Especially not Ramses the golden ram, who goes missing. Tori the cat and Whetū go on a rescue mission. They catch starbeams to zany worlds and end up on a planet run by an evil magician who gets his power by draining the magic from animals. However, Whetū’s tāniko woven friendship bracelet and a clever Ramses are more than a match for the evil sorcerer.
About the Author
Steph Matuku (Ngāti Tama, Ngāti Mutunga, Te Āti Awa) writes picture books, junior fiction and young adult novels as well as writing for stage and screen. Her young adult novels Flight of the Fantail and Falling into Rarohenga and junior novel Whetū Toa and the Magician were Storylines Notable Books. Whetū Toa and the Magician was also shortlisted in the New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults 2019. Her picture book The Eight Gifts of Te Wheke was shortlisted in the Booklovers Children’s Book Awards 2022 and in the picture book and illustration categories of the New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults 2022.
Junior Fiction
Age range
7-11 years
Publication Date
October 2021