
Book Author Colleen Maria Lenihan
Rights Available World excl. NZ

Tokyo is a humming backdrop to an array of outsiders: a young woman arrives to work as a stripper, the manager of a love hotel hatches a sleazy plan, a spirit wanders Harajuku, and a mother embarks on a sad journey.

Linked through recurring characters and themes, these haunting stories hurtle us into the streets of Tokyo and small-town New Zealand. The secular city of salarymen, sex workers and schoolgirls is juxtaposed with rongoā healers, lone men and rural matriarchs of New Zealand.

About the Author & Illustrator
Colleen Maria Lenihan
(Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi) is a fiction writer, screenwriter and photographer, and a graduate of Te Papa Tupu and The Creative Hub. Her writing has appeared in Reading Room and The Pantograph Punch, and Kōhine is her first book. Colleen has been awarded a number of residencies: Michael King Writers’ Centre Emerging Māori Writer (2019); Newroom/Surrey Hotel Winner (2019); the Dan Davin Literary Foundation (2021); and Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington International Institute of Modern Letters (IIML) and Creative New Zealand Emerging Māori Writer in Residence (2023).



Huia Publishers



138 mm x 210 mm



Contemporary Fiction

Publication Date
August 2023

Rights Available:
World excl. NZ

Rights Agents:


Eboni Waitere

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All the stories in Kōhine are suggestive and atmospheric, with risks taken in style and structure. This is an important addition to our literary culture.

Josie Shapiro, WOMAN Magazine

I like how closely knitted the stories are and also how much breathing room there is in the prose. There’s an untetheredness, an airy titillation, a lilt to it – and a sense, always, that the ground could drop out from under you.

Catherine Woulfe, The Spinoff

There’s that really Māori sensibility of letting metaphor live and breathe on the page in a really
tangible way that carries metaphor beyond just an image

Michelle Rahurahu, RNZ

a remarkably accomplished author who has given us a work that
further places Te Ao Māori firmly at the forefront of literature in this country.

Anna Rankin, Newsroom