When I’m Feeling Nervous

Book Author & Illustrator Trace Moroney
Rights Available World

Feeling nervous is uncomfortable, but it can mean you’re about to do something reall, REALLY brave! One of the greatest gifts you can give your child is a felt sense of security. How can you help your child develop a positive and calm response when they are feeling nervous? In Notes to Parents & Caregivers at the back of the book, a child psychologist offers some helpful insights. Also included are talking points and questions for the reader; a calming or empowering activity (to create); and a unique QR code to scan to listen – or read along – to the audio reading. What fun!


About the Author

Trace Moroney creates books about big feelings for little people™. She has extensive experience in international publishing management, and is an acclaimed author, illustrator, and designer. More than 11 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide, and are translated into over 23 languages in 29 countries.Trace is extremely passionate about creating about creating quality children’s books with meaningful content – helping to build social and emotional literacy. Through extensive research, carefully chosen words, thoughtful design, and engaging illustrations, she translates complex emotions into language that helps children better understand their feelings and thrive!


EQ Publications

32pp + cover

225 mm x 225mm



Picture Book

Age range
3+ and grown-ups too!

Publication Date

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Trace Moroney

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The Feelings Series is multi-purpose - not only are they enjoyable picture books, they are also essential for the classroom, libraries, and doctor's and psychologist's work places, due to their educational focus.

Cathy, Goodreads

Trace clearly recognises that every child's experience is unique, skilfully presenting a range of examples, options, and ideas, so that each child will find aspects they relate to, and ideas that resonate with them; promoting agency and empowerment. The Feelings Series also promotes self-awareness and self-compassion as well as empathy and understanding of difference, and of others. So much life-enhancing goodness in each book!

Dr Shelley Brunskill-Watson

The Feelings Series was recommended by a social worker with a major in psychology for my five year old son with global delay and ASD. This is to help with the theory of mind and to read other people's body language - particularly to help an individual to recognise their emotions and feelings, with strategies to help them feel better (when sad or angry) or prolong good feelings (happiness and kindness).

Cathy, Goodreads