Finding Their Feet

Book Author Bernie Landels 
Rights Available World excl Czech language

Come on the journey from womb to walking as your baby finds their feet.
Good health and well-being starts at the feet. From their first kicks in the womb to their first wobbly toddler steps – and every milestone in between – your baby’s feet play a crucial role in their physical, mental, and emotional development.

Finding Their Feet is an accessible and practical guide for parents and carers, designed to equip them for the most important role they will ever have – guiding their child’s development for life-long success, from the feet up.

Learn about the anatomy and development of your baby’s feet, and the important relationship between their feet, body, and brain. Explore how your baby practices movement from their earliest moments, and how their innate primal reflexes and gross motor skills (rolling, crawling, standing and walking) help to develop their central nervous system, laying the foundations in their first years for reading, writing and language. Discover the importance of being barefoot, and the best footwear choices for your child.

Combining the latest research, easy-to-follow anatomical science, and fun, practical activities and exercises for you to enjoy with your baby while supporting their development, Finding Their Feet is a parenting book like no other.

First kicks: the development of the foot
Sensory Development and reflexes
Early milestones: Head control, tummy time and rolling
Sitting and crawling
Standing, squatting and climbing
The case for going barefoot
The evolution of footwear
What is the best footwear for children?
Podo Problem-solving

About the Author
Internationally-certified Infant Massage Instructor (IAIM) since 2002, Bernie Landels has helped many parents build strong connections with and foundations for their children through touch and education. She continues to work in private practice working with all ages but focusing on pregnancy massage and sharing the joys of infant massage.


Indie Experts


9 x 6 inch


Non Fiction

Podiatry, parenting, babies and toddlers

Publication Date
June 2022

Rights Available:
World excl Czech language

Rights Agents:


Dixie Carlton

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An inspiring and informative read for parents and those who work with infants. As a midwife I recommend this book to other midwives so they can share this valuable advice with women in their care. Finding Their Feet gives practical and well-founded advice on how a parent/caregiver can, with confidence, have an active role in their child's development.

Dr Heather Donald, midwifery lecturer and researcher, Auckland University of Technology (NZ)

Wow! As a teacher, education researcher and first 1000 days specialist, I had NO idea how important the foot was in the development of the child! I really recommend that every educator reads this fount of fascinating information. For every parent just starting their parenting journey, this will make fascinating reading during your pregnancy and early days. Not only will you learn heaps but you will be so much more informed of ways to support your child in their development from the earliest of days, which in turn will help them to develop to their full. This is like no other pregnancy book!

Clare Stead, creator and founder of the Oliiki app (UK)