Inner Critic to Inner Coach

Book Author Rebecca Bell
Rights Available World exc NZ

We all have one: an inner critic that sometimes feels like our worst enemy. A loudspeaker in our mind that yells, “You’re an impostor! You don’t know what you’re doing! Everyone else is doing life better than you!”. We overwork, over-prepare, perfect and people-please to try and erase the anxiety of never feeling good enough. But it doesn’t work. The voice is still there.

Inner Critic to Inner Coach has the answers: Dr Bex will help you understand why you feel like an impostor and walk you through the strategies that take you from feeling owned by your Inner Critic to empowered by your Inner Coach.

About the Author
Dr Rebecca Bell
(Dr Bex) is a speaker, coach, and founder of Remix Coaching and Consulting. Driven by her endless fascination about how to optimise human potential, Dr Bex applies her diverse background in forensic psychology, health promotion, and fitness to support individuals, teams and organisations to operate at the intersection between high-performance and wellbeing.


Author Video

Upstart Press


234  x151mm



Self Help

Publication Date
March 2024

Rights Available:
World excl NZ

Rights Agents:


Kevin Chapman, Upstart Press

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Imposter syndrome and strategies to deal with it": RNZ interview, available on

Radio New Zealand

Inner Critic to Inner Coach: Expert unpacks imposter syndrome in new book: Newstalk ZB interview, available on

Newstalk ZB

Why Do So Many (70%!) Of Us STILL Have Impostor Syndrome – And How Can We Calm Our Inner Critic?: Capsule interview, available here

Capsule interview